Job Instruction (JI)

Elevating frontline skills and safety while introducing process stability and job satisfaction

A man in a tie and blue lanyard around his neck smiling as he calls on someone raising their hand in a meeting
Course Overview
Course Overview
In Person, Virtual
Prerequisite Experience
Course Duration
10 Hours
Course Size
Up to 10 Participants
Client On-site, Virtual

Objectives of the Course

Objective 1

Build a basic stability of processes and achieve Standard Work

Objective 2

Train and motivate people to understand and follow Standard Work

Objective 3

Eliminate job shadowing and "Buddies" training by creating shop floor Skills Trainers

Participant Details

Who is this program for?

  • Frontline Workers
  • Frontline Supervisors
  • Team Leaders
  • Training Coordinators / Managers

What do I need to bring?

  • Sample Job or Task from a Shop Floor

What Is Job Instruction?

Job Instruction (JI) training is crucial to establish stability in your processes, ensuring consistency and reliability. JI trains your people to break down a given job and develop the “one best way” to do it, then in turn, train others to perform that “one best way” consistently and repeatedly. Process stability is generated across all workers, at all times and lays a solid foundation for continuous improvement programs.

  • Breaking down jobs into the into the “one best way” – What, How and Why
  • Presenting the process and demonstrating the “one best way”
  • Teaching the process and empowering the worker to “learn by doing”
  • Checking progress, coaching the worker and encouraging questions

What We Will Cover

Job Instruction, as is the case with all TWI Institute programs, is focused on the people who supervise workers and the workers themselves. Its emphasis is not only on building skills, but also on building confidence – in what the job entails, how to do it the one best way and why.

Our end-to-end programming assures adoption and continuation of the benefits of TWI and Job Instruction. Your TWI Institute coach will meet with management, managers, trainers, supervisors and team leaders to observe your TWI JI implementation. Your coach will gauge progress, identify problems, suggest solutions and help realign goals.

Recommended Learning Pathway

Learning Pathway Image
Step 1
Job Instruction, Job Relations, & Job Safety
JI, JR and JS create a foundation for skills training and employee management. Though JI is a great first step, any of these courses can be taken first. We do recommend that these concepts be taught and implemented before moving on to the next level.
Step 2
Job Methods & Standardized Work
With the foundations in place, now comes the time to improve the "one best way" to get work done and ensure that improvement is continuous and sustainable. You can opt to practice JM on its own, or participate in Standardized Work — which includes ALL of the JM curriculum.
Step 3
Problem Solving
With your system in place, now you need to keep it running smoothly. PS is the last step and offers a systemic approach to identifying issues and determining which of the previous approaches will offer the best solution.

What our Client Say

Working with TWI's JI, both training times-to-competency and scrap were reduced and productivity was increased more than 35% over a two-year period of time. This was despite a 41% increase in full-time workforce and similar increase in temporary workers.
Fuji Film, Production Manager
Fuji Film, Production Manager, Chris Dubuque (Job Instruction Page)

Credly Certifications with TWI

We are committed to providing you with the tools necessary to achieve your professional goals, and we understand that communicating your credentials in an ever-expanding online marketplace can be challenging. That is why we partner with Credly to provide you with a digital version of your credentials. Digital badges can be used in email signatures or digital resumes, and on social media sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook and X (Twitter). This digital image contains verified metadata that describes your qualifications and the process required to earn them.

Job Instruction delivers results across multiple industries

While Job Instruction’s first application was manufacturing, JI has improved process and outcomes across a wide spectrum of industries and departments. Whether you work in operations, human resources, quality, production or customer service and satisfaction, Job Instruction brings the stability, skills and safety that drive brilliant results.

Job Instruction drives cross-industry improvements


Reduction in Downtime/Manufacturing


Reduction in Training Time/ Distribution & Retail


Reduction in Length of Stay/Healthcare & Hospitals


Reduction in Manpower Costs/Transportation
These statistics represent documented composite results from actual improvements measured in client engagements and tracking metrics from the U.S. government.

Our end-to-end approach sets us apart

Our proven methods stretch far beyond essential TWI, Kata and Standardized Work training. From initial preparation to ongoing consulting, we prepare people and workplaces for continuous improvement, better outcomes and increased engagement.
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Step One:

We start with an assessment and provide tailored recommendations for your workers and your workplace. KPIs are set, a communication strategy is planned and workforce orientation begins.

Ready to get started?