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Solutions Through People

Leadership Development Training and Programming


Leadership is the ability to translate vision into reality, and good leaders inspire others to follow them to where the organization needs to go in order to succeed. But, as we say in TWI Job Relations, “A person with no followers is not a leader,” no matter what title you give yourself. Just because you’re the “boss” does not necessarily mean you are the “leader.”

Many people make the incorrect assumption that leadership skill and acumen is something a person is born with – you either have it or you don’t. However, leadership can be learned. TWI Institute has a long track record of developing essential leadership training programs and teaching the skills that transform ambitious workers into a dynamic leaders.

Our strength, and your greatest value, is building the right foundation for your leadership team. Our training programs – TWI, Kata and Standardized Work – generate results by advancing leadership skills and developing strong relationships between supervisors and workers. The work we do with you and your teams provides the ideal foundation or complement to current or planned Lean, continuous improvement, kaizen, operational excellence or talent development initiatives.

Results that make a difference


increase in productivity


improvement in employee engagement


increase in improvement ideas


reduction in downtime
These statistics represent documented composite results from actual improvements measured in client engagements and tracking metrics from the U.S. government.

20 Essential Skills Your Frontline Leaders Need

What Our Clients Say

Quality improved, errors reduced, training time lowered. Huge win. Overwhelmingly positive.
Mark Anderson, Senior Manager From Amazon Fulfillment
Mark Anderson, Amazon Fulfillment (Leadership Dev and Distribution Page)
TWI Institute’s advice and training opened our eyes to the fundamentals we needed to achieve our improvement goals. Without these fundamentals, there would be no improvement.
Skip Steward, Vice President and Chief Improvement Officer From Baptist Memorial Health Care
Skip Steward, Baptist Health Care, Improvement (Continuous Improvement, Kaizen Training, Leadership Dev and Custom Solutions Page)

Programs for Leadership Development Training

Our programs make a big difference for a simple reason – they are foundational. They focus on developing the skills and relationships you need for more successful leadership development training.

Problems solved by our coaching and leadership training programs.

Lack of Engagement

Involving supervisors, teams and workers in ideation and solutions

Stalled Improvement Initiatives

Providing an improvement foundation; recognizing problems and root causes; achieving buy-in across the organizational spectrum

Resistance to Collaboration

Creating alignment with your vision for leaders; building productive relationships and teamwork between supervisors and workers

Skills Gaps

Identifying gaps; upskilling, reskilling and cross skilling your team


Developing the baselines for improvement: standards and standardized work

Our Experience Offers You Insights to Improvement

Effective leadership is always the essential ingredient to manage change, competitive advantage and customer demand in any business strategy. TWI Institute’s leadership development training includes insights and experience from markets and marketplaces worldwide. This track record helps global players – and locals who play globally – leverage the power of people to ignite ideas, solve problems and spur growth.

Our end-to-end approach sets us apart

Our proven methods stretch far beyond essential TWI, Kata and Standardized Work training. From initial preparation to ongoing consulting, we prepare people and workplaces for continuous improvement, better outcomes and increased engagement.
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Step One:

We start with an assessment and provide tailored recommendations for your workers and your workplace. KPIs are set, a communication strategy is planned and workforce orientation begins.

Step Two:

Supervisors, team leaders and those who direct the work of others attend, participate and learn in our cornerstone programs: TWI, Kata and Standardized Work.

Step Three:

We work with you to plan a pilot program and teams begin to learn by doing. Through workplace practice and coaching, we help students accept the ideas and put them to work. We’re with you through every step of the journey.

Step Four:

We assess learning, validate pilot results, incorporate skills into routines, evaluate practices and culture, and measure performance against KPIs.

Step Five:

We execute worker and workplace certifications, including TWI Certification (student and trainer), Kata Certification (student and trainer), and Train-the-Trainer Certification.

Step Six:

We stay connected with planned reassessments, KPI checks, remedial coaching, and re-certifications to protect and grow your return on investment.

Ready to get started?