Introduction to Practicing Kata Provides expert guidance in Improvement Kata by setting your goal, establishing current and target conditions, identifying obstacles, introducing PDCA-based experimentation, and practicing Coaching Kata while being mentored by TWI Institute Certified Trainers. Learn More
Driving and Coaching Improvement Gives executives and managers everything they need to begin the Kata journey and put programs into practice at their organizations through a week-long, hands-on program. Learn More
I got so much from it (Kata Workshop) and I am excited to begin applying the pattern. I am completely impressed by how you serve others through your teaching and sharing, it is truly admirable. Marissa Brinkman From Fishback Financial Corporation Marissa Brinkman, Fishback Financial (What is Kata and Kata Training page)
Webinars and Interviews Toyota Kata Pulls in Training and People Needs (TWI) By: TWI Institute Kata is a powerful enabler of improvement and brilliant outcomes. View Webinars and Interviews
Flyers Toyota Kata Programs - A Complete System for Putting Kata into Practice By: TWI Institute Team The TWI Institute's Kata and TWI programs work together to help you establish and sustain the practice of Kata and a culture of continuous improvement and problem solving. View Flyer
Article/Whitepaper Creating an Adaptable Workforce: Using the Coaching Kata for Enhanced Environmental Performance By: TWI Institute Team The Improvement Kata is not about immediate results. Instead, it’s about guiding the learner through the improvement corridor. View Content