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Job Relations (JR)

Creating a leadership culture by building respect, cooperation and trust among employees

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Introduction to Job Relations

Job Relations (JR) teaches the essentials of leadership and positive employee interactions. Developing and maintaining constructive relationships prevents problems from arising that hinder better performance and improvement. JR lays the groundwork for building another layer of stability into your processes, supported by an atmosphere richer in team spirit and collaboration.

Job Relations emphasizes “Respect for People”. It trains and coaches supervisors how to handle problems, how to prevent them from occurring, and, most importantly, it aids in developing a logical, common sense approach to handling issues with a people-centric view. The core elements of the program are proven to inspire consensus building and individual problem solving.

Like all TWI Institute programs, Job Relations focuses on supervisors, team leaders and the workers themselves. In addition to solving and preventing problems with people, JR demonstrates how teamwork can achieve key goals for output, quality, safety and cost reduction.

What We Will Cover
  • Recognizing problems, issues and conflicts early on; noting opportunities to further improve working relationships
  • Defining clear and measurable objectives
  • Collecting all the facts, including opinions and feelings
  • Weighing and deciding on possible solutions
  • Determining the best action to take
  • Monitoring and checking results
  • Comparing results to objectives
  • Developing leaders and leadership techniques

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Experience impressive improvement through TWI Job Relations

JR generates growth and value in your workplace by elevating collaboration, teamwork and trust between leaders and workers.
Higher Job Satisfaction

Experience more engagement and self-satisfaction.

Positive Working Environment

Inspire acceptance of change and challenges with increased trust and loyalty.

Reduced Training Time

Attain target results faster.

Alignment of Purpose and Performance

Achieve the effects of synergy among individuals, teams and businesses.

Job Relations delivers results across multiple industries

Companies across a variety of industries feel the positive impact of JR. Whether you work in operations, human resources, quality, production or customer service and satisfaction, Job Relations fosters the harmony and team spirit that drives brilliant results.

Job Relations drives
cross-industry improvements


Reduction in Turnover/Manufacturing


Reduction in Training Time/Retail and Distribution


Reduction in Grievances/Manufacturing


Improvement in Employee Engagement/Healthcare
These statistics represent documented composite results from actual improvements measured in client engagements and tracking metrics from the U.S. government.

What Our Clients Say

JR is the training we didn't get when we became managers. I like the systematic, thoughtful approach to solving supervisory problems.
From Boeing

Our end-to-end approach sets us apart

Our proven methods stretch far beyond essential TWI, Kata and Standardized Work training. From initial preparation to ongoing consulting, we prepare people and workplaces for continuous improvement, better outcomes and increased engagement.
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Step One:

We start with an assessment and provide tailored recommendations for your workers and your workplace. KPIs are set, a communication strategy is planned and workforce orientation begins.

Step Two:

Supervisors, team leaders and those who direct the work of others attend, participate and learn in our cornerstone programs: TWI, Kata and Standardized Work.

Step Three:

We work with you to plan a pilot program and teams begin to learn by doing. Through workplace practice and coaching, we help students accept the ideas and put them to work. We’re with you through every step of the journey.

Step Four:

We assess learning, validate pilot results, incorporate skills into routines, evaluate practices and culture, and measure performance against KPIs.

Step Five:

We execute worker and workplace certifications, including TWI Certification (student and trainer), Kata Certification (student and trainer), and Train-the-Trainer Certification.

Step Six:

We stay connected with planned reassessments, KPI checks, remedial coaching, and re-certifications to protect and grow your return on investment.

Ready to get started?

Explore TWI Programs

Job Relations (JR) is a cornerstone program in TWI Institute’s offering. Round out your improvement planning with programs that build stronger supervisor/worker relationships, fuel new improvement ideas and create additional levels of safety.

Ready to get started?