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Job Methods (JM)

Generating ideas systematically; launching actions for continuous improvement.

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Introduction to Job Methods

Job Methods (JM) institutionalizes “What If?”

JM trains supervisors, team leaders and workers to discover and develop new ways for improving how work gets done. Results for successful JM programming include higher productivity, streamlined processes, and waste and error reduction. Another key benefit: These ideas don’t rely on adding capital goods. Job Methods emphasizes improvements from the people, procedures, machinery and materials already in place.

JM trains your people how to break down jobs into their constituent components. Every detail is questioned in a systematic manner to generate ideas for improvement. New methods are developed by eliminating, combining, rearranging and simplifying details in the process.

Job Methods enhances most team-based continuous improvement programs by delivering a high volume of small incremental improvements.

Our End-to-End programming assures adoption and continuation of JM’s benefits. Your TWI Institute coach will meet with management, managers, trainers, supervisors and team leaders to observe your TWI JM implementation. Your coach will gauge progress, identify problems, suggest solutions and help realign goals.

What We Will Cover

Job Methods, as is the case with all TWI Institute programs, is focused on supervisors, team leaders and the workers themselves. JM provides a proven and reliable system for getting the most from manpower, machines and materials you have on hand.

  • Creating an environment for continuous improvement and accepting change
  • Learning the Job Methods 4-Step Model
    1. Break down the job
    2. Question every detail
    3. Develop a new method
    4. Apply the new method
  • Using workplace demonstrations and Job Methods tools
  • Proposing and evaluating improvement proposals
  • Measuring results

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Experience impressive improvement through TWI Job Methods

JM generates a higher return on human capital by increasing the volume and value of improvement ideas and demonstrating leadership’s confidence in the creativity of supervisors and workers.
Higher Productivity, Lower Costs

New methods are focused on eliminating waste, streamlining operations, reducing errors

Higher Job Satisfaction

Realize more involvement, collaboration and self-satisfaction.

Positive Working Environment

Higher acceptance of change and challenges; build trust and loyalty

Alignment of Purpose & Performance

Achieve the effects of synergy among individuals, teams and business

Job Methods delivers results across multiple industries

Companies across a wide spectrum of industries feel the positive impact of JM. Whether you work in Operations, Human Resources, Quality, Production or Customer Service and Satisfaction, Job Methods can bring the kind of collaboration and team spirit that drives brilliant results.

Job Methods drives
cross-industry improvements


increase in monthly improvement ideas


Savings in Manpower Costs/Manufacturing


Reduction in Scrap/Manufacturing


Increase in Productivity/Multi-industry
These statistics represent documented composite results from actual improvements measured in client engagements and tracking metrics from the U.S. government.

What Our Clients Say

JM is a great learning tool for process improvement.
From Baptist Memorial Health Care

Our end-to-end approach sets us apart

Our proven methods stretch far beyond essential TWI, Kata and Standardized Work training. From initial preparation to ongoing consulting, we prepare people and workplaces for continuous improvement, better outcomes and increased engagement.
  1. 1
  2. 2
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  4. 4
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Step One:

We start with an assessment and provide tailored recommendations for your workers and your workplace. KPIs are set, a communication strategy is planned and workforce orientation begins.

Step Two:

Supervisors, team leaders and those who direct the work of others attend, participate and learn in our cornerstone programs: TWI, Kata and Standardized Work.

Step Three:

We work with you to plan a pilot program and teams begin to learn by doing. Through workplace practice and coaching, we help students accept the ideas and put them to work. We’re with you through every step of the journey.

Step Four:

We assess learning, validate pilot results, incorporate skills into routines, evaluate practices and culture, and measure performance against KPIs.

Step Five:

We execute worker and workplace certifications, including TWI Certification (student and trainer), Kata Certification (student and trainer), and Train-the-Trainer Certification.

Step Six:

We stay connected with planned reassessments, KPI checks, remedial coaching, and re-certifications to protect and grow your return on investment.

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Explore all TWI Programs

Job Methods is a cornerstone program in TWI Institute’s offering. Round out your improvement planning with programs that build stronger supervisor/worker relationships and fuel new improvement ideas.

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