TWI Programs TWI is proven to build skills, stability and safety among supervisors, team leaders and workers through hands-on learning and practice. More On TWI
Kata Programs Kata makes improvement a top-tier priority. Kata embeds structured, scientific thinking into day-to-day work and quickly establishes a culture of continuous improvement and problem solving. More on Kata
Standardized Work Programs Stabilizing work conditions and operating time, increasing the level of safety, enabling easier judgments regarding “normal” versus “abnormal” situations, reducing costs and, overall, maintaining and improving quality – all of these are the results of learning and implementing Standardized Work. More On Standardized Work
What Our Clients Say Employees are trained…so that it’s easier to understand what is required and how things are done. Training time reduced from 15 days to three; employee satisfaction grew 23.5%. From Danske Bank
eBook 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Implementing a Continuous Improvement Plan By: Patrick Graupp View eBook